Do more with your maps with next generation network management

Meet with us at Esri IMGIS

The Esri International Infrastructure and GIS Conference brings together professionals from across industries such as utilities, telecom, and transportation to discover the latest GIS innovations and technologies and how they can be applied across the infrastructure lifecycle. 

Built upon an Esri foundation, 3-GIS provides an easy-to-use, comprehensive GIS solution to plan, design, and manage telecom networks-helping you enhance workflow efficiency, make data-driven decisions, and future-proof your network operations. Schedule some time with us, and let's discuss how your organization can better utilise GIS in your deployment projects.

When: 8-10 April
Where: Frankfurt, DE
Booth: 126



Where to find us

2024 Esri IMGIS International floorplan - where to find 3-GIS, booth 126


Meet the team


Connect with Orry Moody Connect with Drew Peele Connect with Nils Linden



How we can help

3-GIS empowers companies to achieve better operating efficiencies and to meet the challenges of building increasingly complex fibre networks.
Discover the GIS-first design and management solution Empower every phase of the network Get the insight you need
Discover the GIS-first design and management fibre solution that GasLINE chose to support their network expansion of an additional 5,500km of fibre within the next 3 years. Empower every phase of the network lifecycle with a comprehensive system of insight, engagement, and record. Get the insight you need to expand your network with a next generation network management system built upon GIS.