FiberLight Case Study

Kicking network management into high gear


From 400 to 14,000 route miles of fiber, FiberLight is rapidly expanding metro areas in the United States - and growing by the day. They require a network management solution that keeps them on track to deliver some of the most agile, secure, scalable, reliable, and flexible custom services in the industry.

Now equipped with a single view of their fiber and ancillary network data and augmented network routing capabilities, the business can target market campaigns to available resources. With more accurate network data in one system of truth, FiberLight is now able to document the connectivity of the fiber strands and report available resources and utilization of resources to reduce their municipal and regulatory reporting efforts.



  • A network management solution that keeps us on track to deliver agile, secure, scalable, reliable, and flexible custom services


  • Reporting became much faster and more inline with actual activity in the network
  • Reconciliation to replace multiple spreadsheets for tracking our fiber utilization for our finance team
  • Reconciliation of inventory to ensure all fibers used had valid and correct signal traces


  • Route miles updated faster
  • Network utilization designed faster
  • 3,100 signal updates

Performance enablers

  • Machine-prescribed routes allow us to decrease the time to permitting and construction
  • Least-cost routes allow us to construct networks as economically as possible
  • A single view of our fiber and ancillary network assets allow us to target campaigns to available resources

"3-GIS has developed a system that can be highly flexible to support multiple aspects of our business. It's not just a tool for construction or outside engineering, but is leveraged to drive new revenue and help our sales team leverage existing and upcoming assets."

-Jay Anderson, Chief Engineer

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